Μetabolomics is the most rapidly growing field of science, which studies the cell chemical processes occurring in an organism upon biological or other stimulation and genetic variations. Thus, it is easier to understand the changes that occur in the physiology of the examinee through the analysis of biological samples such as blood, urine, feces, etc.
This is done by measuring important biomolecules, metabolites, which provides a more accurate picture of biochemical phenomena, which take place in various organs (liver, blood, heart, etc.) or systems (immune, circulatory, gastrointestinal, etc.) of the subject.
” Analysis” following the developments in the field of health worldwide created, in collaboration with the university team of AUTh “Biomic Auth”, the metabolic department of the company, in order to effectively contribute to the prediction, diagnosis and monitoring of the response to therapeutic interventions of clinicians in various.